Academic and Behavior Goals and Expectations







Arrive to class before the tardy bell rings.

Keep materials neat and in the proper place.

Turn off and put away all electronic devices.

Remain upright and attentive.

Use the volume that is appropriate to the task.

Give and accept constructive criticism.

Follow the AUP and computer lab guidelines when using technology.

Use the appropriate volume for your situation.

Mind your tone and how your words will affect others.

Remain upright and attentive.


Have your personal items and materials in your possession at the beginning of class.

Turn off and put away all electronic devices.

Utilize a strategy to stay focused.

Keep your eyes on the text.

Utilize a pre-writing strategy to stay on task.

Make appropriate eye contact for the situation.

Perform your role as speaker or listener.


Turn assignments in on time.

Turn off and put away all electronic devices.

Make notes about the text and prepare questions.


Keep writing, editing, and revising until it’s your best draft.

Maintain self-control when participating in class discussion and activities.



Intensity 1 & 2 Behaviors

  1. Give a verbal warning or “The Look.”
  2. Student conference privately in class, after class, or in the hallway.
  3. Parent contact, student department detention, and/or TMR.

Intensity 3 & 4 Behaviors

  1. Removal from class for the period and an ODR.