Academic and Behavior Goals
Academic Goals
In addition to building on skills learned the previous year, by the end of the school year, the students will be able to:
Read critically and synthesize findings
Learn to write with an active/passive voice while manipulating sentence patterns, with a focus on detail
Present various types of writing for specific audiences
Effectively refute,  qualify, and defend claims and counterclaims using evidence
Revise multiple drafts, while focusing on:
Editing, mechanics, and sentence structure

Behavior Goals
No Cell Phones
No Cell Phones
You may not plug in your cell phone.
Turn in completed work into the aqua tray.
You cannot leave the first or last 10 minutes of class.
Once you obtain permission to fill out a pass, you fill it out.
When I sign your pass, make sure you sign out on the sign out sheet.
Do what I ask of you. If you have a question about an assignment, ask me please.
Respect me.
Respect yourself.
Respect other students.
Plug in your laptop in the correct slot when we are using laptops.
Put desks back where you got them if I ask you to move them. Please do NOT move desks without being asked.