LATE ARRIVALS (after 8:15AM) should be dropped off at the NORTH DOORS (Cafeteria Entrance).
Picture Retake's are on Wednesday, October 2.
Midwest Youth Services and Illinois College have collaborated to bring FREE tutoring to our area. This is open to any students in middle or high school who desire tutoring in any of the four core subjects; Math, Science, English, or Social Studies. If you have a student who desires tutoring in an upper elementary level subject, they are still welcome; just specify on the "other" Area of Need below.
Tutoring sessions are 30 minutes in length, and will be held at Lincoln Avenue Baptist Church, 951 Lincoln Ave. Jacksonville, starting Tuesday, September 17, 2024 ending Thursday, December 5, 2024.
Auditions for this year's play The Holiday Channel Christmas Movie Wonderthon will be held on Tuesday, September 17th at 3:45 in the auditorium. Anyone wanting to be involved in the show must get an audition packet from Mrs. Riggs in room 812 or Mrs. Hadsell in room 808. You must have the audition packet signed by a parent or guardian before you can audition.
JHS will host a Financial Aid Information Night for juniors, seniors and their parents/guardians on Wednesday, September 11th at 6:30 p.m. in the JHS auditorium.
Juniors and Seniors are invited to attend the Lincoln Land Community College Workforce Skills Expo and Tour. LLCC will provide a sack lunch. Permission forms are available in Student Services. Friday, September 13th is the deadline to return permission forms to Student Services.
Juniors can register to take the PSAT/NMSQT on Monday, October 7th at JHS in the Media Center. This exam is the only exam that connects you to the National Merit Scholarship Program in addition to practice for the SAT. The cost for the exam is $18 and must be paid at the time of registration. The deadline to register is September 27th. Forms can be picked up and dropped off with payment in the JHS Main Office.