Special Services

Special Eduation Department

It is the mission of the JHS Special Education Department to improve, through excellence and advocacy, the academic and career achievement, and social and emotional development for students with exceptionalities.

Course #


Fulfills Requirement or Elective


Functional Academics

Fulfills Requirement

Prerequisite: Entry Level; Placement is determined by the student's IEP


Recommendation: none

This course serves students with moderate to severe cognitive delays. This class builds upon functional academics needed for everyday life. The course covers a range of topics, including but not limited to: personal information, safety signs, beginning reading skills, survival words, etc.


Functional Mathematics

Fulfills Requirement

Prerequisite: Entry Level; Placement is determined by the student's IEP


Recommendation: none

This course serves students with moderate to severe cognitive delays. This class teaches math skills needed for every day purposes. Topics include but are not limited to money, time, counting, and number identification. This course assists students in gaining the math skills needed to successfully transition into their post-secondary lives and adulthood.


Functional Vocational Preparation

Fulfills Requirement

Prerequisite: Entry Level; Placement is determined by the student's IEP


Recommendation: none

This course serves students with moderate to severe cognitive delays. This class builds skills needed for a workshop or day program type of job. The skills that are enhanced include but are not limited to counting, sorting, following directions, matching, work endurance, and following visual cues.




Prerequisite: Entry Level; Placement is determined by the student's IEP


Recommendation: none

Career education emphasizes career exploration and typical consumer issues. Students use xello.com to complete interest, skill and learning style inventories with the possibility of completing an aptitude evaluation. Students will spend time creating cover letters, resumes, and thank you letters to be used in their present and future job searches. Other units of study include evaluating student career readiness skills, finding a job and growing toward financial independence. Career education satisfies the consumer education requirement for graduation. Enrollment in this course requires IEP team approval.


Work Study


Prerequisite: Entry Level; Placement is determined by the student's IEP


Recommendation: none

This course allows for those students who find it necessary or advantageous to work part of the school day to be released to a supervised work site. Students are expected to keep records and report to the coordinator in matters such as skills being learned and on-the-job activities. The school coordinator will visit job sites, discuss progress or problems with supervisors and counsel as it is requested. Students earn a pass/fail grade in this course. Concurrent enrollment in Careers 050, 065 or 090 and successful completion of that class is required for job credit. Enrollment in these courses requires IEP team approval.


English Foundations I

Fulfills Requirement

Prerequisite: Entry Level; Placement is determined by the student's IEP


Recommendation: none

The first of two years, this English class is designed to support those readers falling below the 9th percentile according to national norms. Past data proves these students respond best to a model much like the 90-minute reading block which includes intensive practice in all five pillars of reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. (JSD #117 Secondary Literacy Interventions). This class teaches the use of learning strategies to gain understanding of literary and non-fiction text. A variety of teaching methods (auditory, visual, kinesthetic) are used to best match the learning styles and instructional needs of the students. This class includes whole group instruction, small group instruction, and independent reading and writing practice using the CAFÉ model of reading instruction.


English Foundations II

Fulfills Requirement

Prerequisite: Successful completion of 100S; Placement is determined by the student's IEP


Recommendation: none

The second of two years, this English class is designed to support those readers falling below the 9th percentile according to national norms. Past data proves these students respond best to a model much like the 90-minute reading block which includes intensive practice in all five pillars of reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. (JSD #117 Secondary Literacy Interventions). This class teaches the use of learning strategies to gain understanding of literary and non-fiction text. A variety of teaching methods (auditory, visual, kinesthetic) are used to best match the learning styles and instructional needs of the students. This class includes whole group instruction, small group instruction, and independent reading and writing practice using the CAFÉ model of reading instruction.


English 11

Fulfills Requirement

Prerequisite: Successful completion of 101S; Placement is determined by the student's IEP


Recommendation: none

The second of two years, this English class is designed to support those readers falling below the 9th percentile according to national norms. Past data proves these students respond best to a model much like the 90-minute reading block which includes intensive practice in all five pillars of reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. (JSD #117 Secondary Literacy Interventions). This class teaches the use of learning strategies to gain understanding of literary and non-fiction text. A variety of teaching methods (auditory, visual, and kinesthetic) are used to best match the learning styles and instructional needs of the students. This class includes whole group instruction, small group instruction, and independent reading and writing practice using the CAFÉ model of reading instruction.


English 12

Fulfills Requirement

Prerequisite: Successful completion of 126S; Placement is determined by the student's IEP


Recommendation: none

The second of two years, this English class is designed to support those readers falling below the 9th percentile according to national norms. Past data proves these students respond best to a model much like the 90-minute reading block which includes intensive practice in all five pillars of reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. (JSD #117 Secondary Literacy Interventions). This class teaches the use of learning strategies to gain understanding of literary and non-fiction text. A variety of teaching methods (auditory, visual, kinesthetic) are used to best match the learning styles and instructional needs of the students. This class includes whole group instruction, small group instruction, and independent reading and writing practice using the CAFÉ model of reading instruction.


Math Foundations I

Fulfills Requirement

Prerequisite: Entry Level; Placement is determined by the student's IEP


Recommendation: none

The first of two years, this course covers the basic operations of math: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Students work with whole numbers, decimals, fractions and percentages. Students work on basic skills in applying these operations to real life situations through activities and word problems. Students work on measurement as applied to time, linear measurement, measurement of weight/mass and measurement of capacity. Students use calculators for some problem solving.


Math Foundations II

Fulfills Requirement

Prerequisite: Successful completion of 301S; Placement is determined by the student's IEP


Recommendation: none

The second of two years, this course covers the basic operations of math: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Students work with whole numbers, decimals, fractions and percentages. Students work on basic skills in applying these operations to real life situations through activities and word problems. Students work on measurement as applied to time, linear measurement, measurement of weight/mass and measurement of capacity. Students use calculators for some problem solving.


Applied Algebra

Fulfills Requirement

Prerequisite: Successful completion of 302S; Placement is determined by the student's IEP


Recommendation: none

The Applied Algebra course is designed to introduce basic algebraic concepts to students. Concepts such as the meaning of positive and negative integers and their calculations and solving expressions, calculating the values of variables, are applied to daily living situations. Mathematical problem solving is applied to such situations as budgeting, maintaining bank accounts, using various forms of credit, and making wise consumer choices. Students will utilize text sources, worksheets, and simulations along with calculators to accommodate learning in this class.


Applied Geometry

Fulfills Requirement

Prerequisite: Successful completion of 305S; Placement is determined by the student's IEP


Recommendation: none

This course develops basic concepts regarding geometric figures and applies these concepts in measurement including linear, perimeter, area, volume, weight and time. Students apply these concepts to solve real world problems through activities and word problems. Calculators are used.


Foundations of American Democracy


Prerequisite: Entry Level; Placement is determined by the student's IEP


Recommendation: none

This course is a survey from early colonial history into the formation of the United States of America to the age of Jackson. Students will learn the European colonial methods that helped shape this diverse country. The course covers the United States Constitution at length, with attention to other world government systems that helped mold the United States government. Students will learn about basic citizenship and their local, state, and federal governments with an application to current events. This course will prepare students for U.S. Constitution test which is must be passed as a requirement for graduation.


Adult Living


Prerequisite: Entry Level; Placement is determined by the student's IEP


Recommendation: none

This course is designed to assist students with disabilities in preparing for participation in the adult world of work, further education, community participation, financial matters, and independent living. Enrollment in this course requires an IEP team recommendation. The course content includes a variety of lessons and activities to improve skills in the areas of goal setting, decision making, communication, consumer education, personal advocacy, employment, time management, and daily home management tasks. Students will be introduced and exposed to a variety of local community support services that are available. Students will be encouraged to practice using their personal information to complete forms required for a successful life. Emphasis will be placed upon student growth and participation in activities. Individual student transition plans will impact class content.




Prerequisite: Entry Level; Placement is determined by the student's IEP


Recommendation: none

This course is designed to help students increase their understanding and awareness of basic health concepts and practices and their relationship to a better quality of life. Emphasis is placed on the importance of making good health decisions and accepting responsibility for health. Topics covered in the class include anatomy and physiology of the body, mental health, stress and weight control, fitness and exercise, substance use and abuse, human sexuality, first aid and safety, and environmental health. A variety of teaching methods is used including the use of outside resources. Students are required to complete special projects. This course is required for graduation and meets state mandates.

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