Senior Information

JHS Graduation is May 2024
Location/Time: The JHS Bowl @ 7 PM

Jacksonville High School

“Class of 2024”

We are pleased to announce the Graduation Ceremony plans with our seniors and their families. It is our hope that the event will bring joy in celebrating your milestone!


Commencement practice will take place on Friday May at the JHS Bowl.  Commencement practice attendance is required for all seniors in order to participate in the graduation ceremony.  Graduation practice will begin at 10:00am, please arrive by 9:45am.  Cap and gowns will not be expected for commencement practice. Tickets will be distributed to graduating seniors at commencement practice.  



The ceremony will take place at The Bowl on Friday, May  at 7:00pm.   The ceremony will be livestreamed. This link will be on our Jacksonville High School website and sent out through email.  

Graduation Photographs: 

The school photographer from Lifetouch will take two pictures of each graduate: one as he/she receives their diploma and one posed picture just off the stage.  A proof sheet will be mailed to the home address of each graduate and the photos as well as ordering information can be viewed online at the Lifetouch website.  Therefore, no one is allowed on the gym floor to take pictures during the ceremony.


I would like to remind you again about the Board of Education policy regarding the collection of fees.  The following is an excerpt from the Board Policy 4:46 Collection of Student Financial Obligations: 

                      In the event the financial obligation is not satisfied by the time of high school graduation, the graduate shall not be allowed to take part in the graduation ceremonies.  The District shall pursue collection action through the Illinois Office of the Comptroller as allowed by the 15 ILCS 405/10/05 and 10.5d.

Please make note of the payment deadline of May.  In order to be able to participate in the graduation ceremony, the deadline to pay any outstanding financial obligation is 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, May in cash, money order or debit/credit card.

If you have an outstanding balance, a statement was sent by mail.  You can also see your balance by logging into Skyward Family Access.  Please keep in mind that additional fees such as: JHS Chromebook, lost/damaged textbooks, library books, etc. could still be incurred or assessed between now and the end of the school year. 

If you have any questions about these dates and reminders or anything else for that matter, please contact Mr. Dion in the Principal’s office at 243-4384 ext. 2234.  Thank you for your time and cooperation in this matter.

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