Schedule Change Policy

Students are encouraged to register for subjects they want and need before the master schedule is finalized at the end of the school year. The course description guide should help you determine what to expect in advance as well as information pertaining to course offerings that align with post-secondary goals.

Schedule changes will be made for the following reasons:

  1. Successful completion of a summer school course
  2. Not meeting a pre-requisite course requirement
  3. Courses needed to meet graduation requirements
  4. A missing requirement for university admissions or post-secondary plan
  5. Incomplete schedule

Once second semester has begun, students may request one schedule change for second semester under the following parameters:

  1. Students may replace a yearlong course with a semester long class with administrative approval if the first semester was not completed successfully because the course material was beyond the scope of the student's ability level.
  2. Students currently enrolled in a study hall second semester may enroll in a second semester class.
  3. Students enrolled in a course where multiple levels of the course exist may request a level change within the first six days of the semester. Level changes will be a team decision with an administrator, the teacher, counselor, student, and parent. This decision will be based upon past class performance and post-secondary goals.

A class change request signed by the student and his/her parent/guardian must be submitted to the Student Services Office prior to the fifth day of each semester. Classes dropped after these deadlines will result in an F. Students with no study hall may request to drop an elective for a study hall during the first ten school days of each semester with no grade given. Students dropping for a study hall after the ten-day period will be dropped with an "F". A class change request form signed by the student and his/her parent/guardian must be submitted to the Student Services Office by the last day for changes in each semester.

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