
Academic  Expectations

1.     Come to class prepared and on time (must be in your seat before the tardy bell begins to ring).

2.     Have all required materials each day, including your student agenda

3.     Complete all class and homework assignments as instructed

4.     Show all work so that you can analyze your mistakes

5.     Study for tests and quizzes

6.     Reach full potential as student

Classroom Culture / Behavioral Expectations

1.     Maintain daily attendance

2.     Treat others with respect and to be treated with respect

3.     Use of cell phones, pagers, and other electronics is not permitted in class under any circumstances.  IPods, mp3 players, and like electronics   may be used at my discretion during individual study time.

4.     Food and drinks (in bottles, not cans) will be allowed in class as long as they are not a distraction.  Spills will be the responsibility of the student to clean up.

5.     Follow all school, classroom, and discipline procedures.  All policies outlined in the student handbook / agenda will be followed.


Although we will do the work together in-class for our lessons, I will assign homework for each target. It will be due the following dayHomework will not be graded because it is meant for practice. Each homework assignment will be recorded in Skyward. I expect you to check your answers against the answer key and ask questions about any you need help on the next day. It may seem like homework does not affect your grade, but practicing the skills we cover after class is the BEST way to know them for the tests, quizzes.

We will have both quizzes and tests throughout the year over the targets we cover. If you have completed the homework covered on the quiz/test, you will earn the chance to retake targets on the quiz or test. To retake one, students must also complete more practice and/or meet with a math teacher about the target(s). They can be retaken on the students' own time (study hall, before or after school, advisory, etc), but we will continue on as a class to new material. 

Semester Final Exams - Each semester final exam will be comprehensive of that semester        

     Grades will be based on the following scale:

100 - 90%             A

89 - 80%               B

79 - 70%               C

69 - 60%               D

Below 60%             F

Most assignments will be updated on Skyward within one week of due date, although I try to update grades more frequently.