Principal's Corner

Jacksonville High School, Student Expectations:


OBEY THE LAW – This includes school policies/rules and actual laws.  Make good decisions and choices.


BE A GOOD STUDENT – Come to school, do all your homework, turn in all your assignments, pay attention in class, and maintain a good relationship with your teachers and staff. 


BE RESPECTFUL – Give your teachers and all school personnel the proper respect.  Give respect and you’re likely to get it back


BE ON TIME – Never be late to school or functions.  Being on time is a habit, so is being late.  Always try to be at least 5 minutes early for all scheduled activities.


DO NOT MISS SCHOOL – It is extremely important that you be at school every single day.  We like school so be here!


TAKE CARE OF SCHOOL PROPERTY – This is your building so take pride in it. 


BE A GOOD STUDENT AND FRIEND – Strive to be a good student and friend with every member of the school.  Encourage each other and be positive, leave the criticism out of the school.  Do your best in the role you are given.  Keep lines of communication open with your teachers.


DISPLAY CLASS – Display dignity, class and be gracious and humble.  Respect the staff and their decisions.  Make our school, and the community we represent, proud to call us theirs.


THE STANDARD IS THE STANDARD – Many have given their time and effort to establish this institution.  The standard has been set……be a champion and play along.  Strive to give your best effort every time you step in this building.  That is what we expect of you as a member of the Crimson family.  Implement this into your daily life and the results will be positive. 

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