
Science Department Mission Statement:

The mission of Jacksonville High School's Science Department is to empower students to become effective problem solvers, collaborative/cooperative workers, and lifelong learners. Students will have the opportunity to become scientifically literate by asking and investigating scientific questions, evaluating claims and evidence, and making responsible decisions in a rapidly changing society.

Course #


Required or Elective

Other Information


Physical Science

Fulfills Requirement


Prerequisite: Successful completion of or concurrent enrollment in 514/516


Recommendation: None

This course is designed to give students an introduction to the Physical Sciences; chemistry, geology, physics, and earth science. The first half of the course covers chemistry topics such as matter, atomic structure, the periodic table, chemical bonding and reactions, and acids/bases. The second half of the course covers physics topics such as motion, forces, electricity, energy, waves, sound, and light. During both semesters topics from Earth Science will be brought in and related back to Chemistry and Physics. Emphasis will be placed on lab activities and investigations. Inquiry, laboratory and study skills are developed with work primarily completed in class. This course will meet the Physical Science requirement for graduation.



Fulfills Requirement

Co-Taught Option

Prerequisite: Entry Level


Recommendation: None

The intent of biology is to open the door to a lifetime of understanding and appreciation for nature. This class will provide an opportunity to develop and practice the art of -doing science. Units of study include: characteristics of living things, chemical basis of living things (atoms and molecules), cytology (study of cells), heredity and genetics, the history of living organisms, taxonomy (classification of living things), dynamics of ecosystems (interactions between living things and their environment), microbiology (especially bacteria and viruses), and survey of invertebrates. Students in 514 will be given more time in class for individualized instruction and help. They will work primarily in class with guidance to process lab experiences. Tests and assignments are modified to help each student achieve their full potential.


Honors Biology

Fulfills Requirement

Honors Credit

Prerequisite: Entry Level


Recommendation: None

This class provides an opportunity to develop and practice the nature of science through the use of analytical skills, inquiry based labs, and the reading scientific literature to learn biological topics. Units of study include: characteristics of living things, chemical basis of living things (atoms and molecules), cytology (study of cells), heredity and genetics, the history of living organisms, taxonomy (classification of living things), dynamics of ecosystems (interactions between living things and their environment), microbiology (especially bacteria and viruses), and survey of invertebrates. This class will prepare students for advanced courses within the science curriculum.


AP Biology 


AP Credit

Prerequisite: Successful completion of 514/516 and successful completion or concurrent enrollment in 556/558


Recommendation: None

This course is designed for the advanced study of biology and is geared towards students looking for a strong college preparation in the life sciences. Topics of this course include: ecology, biochemistry, cell biology, evolution, molecular genetics, microbiology and animal behavior. Skills in environmental monitoring of ecosystems will be practiced at local forests, streams, and other ecosystems. Students may earn 4 college credits through LLCC upon completion of course with a C or higher. This course prepares students to take the AP exam for possible transferable college credit.




Prerequisite: Successful completion of 514/516, and 556/558 or 504


Recommendation: None

Zoology is an extension of biology emphasizing the study of vertebrate animals. Special emphasis in this course is placed on the topics of evolution, paleontology, animal behavior, wildlife management, and the anatomy and natural history of the five vertebrate groups: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.


Fundamental Chemistry


Prerequisite: Successful completion of 514/516 and 504


Recommendation: None

This is a one-semester introductory chemistry course that covers the general concepts of chemistry. It is a laboratory based class that is designed to give students a fundamental knowledge of chemistry and how chemistry affects their lives. Topics covered include the SI units and methods of science, periodic table, atomic structure, states of matter, chemical/physical properties and changes, bonding, compounds and stoichiometry, and chemical equations, all presented in a format related to the everyday applications of chemistry. A scientific calculator is highly recommended for this class.



Fulfills Requirement

Prerequisite: Successful completion of 514/516


Recommendation: A minimum score of 231 on the MAP Math Test

This is a one year introductory chemistry course that covers topics such as: SI units, composition of matter, chemical equations, stoichiometry, gas laws, solutions, and acids & bases. Laboratory work enhances the theoretical concepts and thoughts discussed in class. A scientific calculator is required.

558           Honors Chemistry

Fulfills Requirement

 Honors Credit

Prerequisite: Successful completion of 514/516, and concurrent or successful completion of Honors Algebra II


Recommendation: A minimum score of 241 on the MAP Math Test

This is a one year math based laboratory science course designed as a preparatory course for students who plan additional work in science fields. This course will cover basic theories of chemistry with emphasis on developing laboratory and problem solving skills at an accelerated pace. Topics covered will include: problem solving and scientific measurement, atomic structure and periodic table, chemical nomenclature, chemical reactions and bonding, stoichiometry, states of matter, thermochemistry, nuclear and organic chemistry, acid/base/neutralization, and introductory quantum theory. A scientific calculator is required for this course. This course prepares students for AP Chemistry.


AP Chemistry


AP Credit

Prerequisite: Successful completion of 514/516, and 556/558


Recommendation: Successful completion of Honors Chemistry 558, MAP Reading 224+, MAP Math 245+

This is an advanced placement course arranged into the "Big Ideas of Chemistry" as defined by AP Chemistry. The concepts will include building blocks of matter, chemical and physical properties of matter, rearrangement and reorganization of atoms and/or transfer of electrons, rates of chemical reactions, the laws of thermodynamics, bonding, and intermolecular attractions. Students will be exposed to the "Seven Practices of Science" also defined by AP. Students will gain practice in formal laboratory reports and procedures.


Fundamental Physics


Prerequisite: Successful completion of 514/516, and 556/558 or 504


Recommendation: None

This is a one-semester laboratory course that introduces the central concepts of physics. Topics covered include laws of motion, energy and work, waves, sound, light, electricity and magnetism.  Scientific calculator is required.




Prerequisite: Successful completion of 514/516


Recommendation: Concurrent enrollment in Algebra II or successful completion

Physics is the study of the interactions between matter and energy. This year-long laboratory includes the topics of motion, forces, energy, waves, sound, light, electricity and magnetism. Laboratory work enhances the theoretical concepts and thoughts discussed in class.  Scientific calculator is required.


Honors Physics


Honors Credit

Prerequisite: Successful completion of 514/516, and concurrent or successful completion of Algebra II 326/328


Recommendation: None

This is a one year math based laboratory science course designed as a preparatory course for students who plan additional work in science fields. This course will cover basic theories of physics with emphasis on developing laboratory and problem solving skills at an accelerated pace. Topics covered will include: problem solving, scientific measurement, motion, forces, energy, work, thermodynamics, states of matter, waves, sound, light, electricity and magnetism.  Scientific calculator is required.




Prerequisite: Successful completion of 514/516, and 556/558 or 504


Recommendation: None

This course follows the development of current astronomical models from the ancient Greeks to the present day. It teaches students to think like scientists in integrating concepts from chemistry, and physics to study developing theories and to examine evidence that supports them. Topics include the history of astronomy, light and instrumentation, the solar system, stars, and galaxies. The planetarium is used in the identification of celestial bodies and constellations in the night sky. Laboratory and classroom exercises require understanding algebraic expressions.

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