Ashley Griffin RN, BSN
Phone: 243-4384 ext. 2244 |
Nurse's Office
The nurse's office is located in the Student Services Office. The nurse is available from 7:50am until 3:30pm each school day. Responsibilities of the nurse's office include medication administration, providing first aid, assessing students who are ill and communicating health needs to parents/guardians, providing plans of care for students who have chronic illnesses such as diabetes, asthma, life-threatening allergies or seizures, collecting, reviewing and maintaining all health records, assisting students who need to be placed in academic PE and providing education and promoting good health practices at JHS.
What if I get sick at school?
If a student has a health concern while at school, he/she should ask the teacher for a pass to the nurse's office. The nurse will meet with you and assess the situation. Together, you and the nurse will decide on a plan of action and contact your parent/guardian as needed. If you are ill, you must see the nurse before you can go home. Also, please remember, the nurse will always call your parent/guardian if you request to talk to them.
My child has called from school saying they are sick. What do I do?
If your child calls or texts complaining of being ill while at school, instruct them to ask the teacher for a pass to the nurse's office. The nurse will assess your child's situation and then contact you to give you a report of their condition. Together, with you and your child, a plan of action will be made. It is the goal of the nurse's office to keep students comfortable while also minimizing absences from class.
Absences due to Illness
There are times a student cannot attend school due to illness. Mandatory absences for JHS include a body temperature over 100.4 degrees or above, repeatedly vomiting, frequent episodes of diarrhea, a draining wound that cannot be contained within a dressing, a communicable skin disease, or the doctor and/or public health guidelines mandates a student cannot attend.
** Please review the JHS attendance policy in the Student Handbook**
What about medications at school?
If a student needs to take medication (prescription or non-prescription) during the school day, please complete a school medication authorization form available at the nurse's office or on this website. This form needs to be signed by the doctor and the parent. Medications should be dropped off at the nurse's office in an original container. Students are not allowed to carry medications with them except for rescue inhalers and epi-pens. Parents should complete a medication form if:
• They would be unable to bring pain medication during the school day
• Their child has frequent need for pain medication
• Their child uses a rescue inhaler
• Their child takes daily noon medications
• Their child has migraine issues
A parent can come to the school and give a medication to their child at any time. Please report to the nurse's office and a pass will be sent for the student to come to the office so the medication can be given by you.
Student Health Information
Medical Information and Forms can be found on the District's page