Spanish 4/5 Syllabus


Required Materials:
Textbook – Galería de arte y vida
3-ring binder with loose leaf paper or spiral notebook
#2 pencil, blue/black ink pen, 1 folder
Recommended Materials:
Spanish-English dictionary

About the Course:
This course is aimed to be conducted entirely in Spanish. Following suggested AP guidelines, the emphasis is on improvement of reading, listening, advanced writing and oral communication. Hispanic culture is explored in detail through exposure to the literature, history and art of Spanish-speaking peoples. Students are required to keep a diary in Spanish. Oral presentations and some independent projects, as well as a student research portfolio, are required. In addition, students write expository, narrative and persuasive paragraphs and compositions, as well as poems. For that reason, this course qualifies as an intensive writing course. Materials include recordings, readers and teacher-prepared handouts.

Course Outline:

Semester 1

  • History of Spain unit
  • Fabulas” unit
  • “Leyendas” unit
  • Lazarillo unit
  • Common confused words unit (on-going)
  • Journals (on-going)
  • Grammar review

Semester 2

  • Research paper/presentation
  • Don Quijote unit
  • Tierra y Libertad” unit
  • El último viaje” unit
  • Listening unit
  • Video unit
  • Grammar review

Students will produce one major composition and/or project per unit. In addition, they do a variety of homework exercises, take tests/quizzes, and perform a variety of oral activities.

Evaluation Criteria:

Points are earned for all activities, assignments, participation, quizzes, and tests. Late assignments will be accepted, but will receive reduced credit. Grades will be posted to Skyward.

Grading Scale:                                                                           
A = 100-90       B = 89-80       C = 79-70       D = 69-60       F = Below 60                                           

  • Tests/Projects: 40% All tests, projects, and long-term writing assignments will fall under this category. Tests will mostly focus on the material included in the specific chapters of the textbook. However, students will be expected to use previously studied vocabulary and grammar accurately. Tests may include sections on grammar, vocabulary, and writing as well as oral, listening, and reading comprehension. There will be 3-4 projects/writing assignments for the course of each semester based on the concepts covered in class. During first semester, there will be an on-going journaling assignment (more information to given on a separate handout). Second semester will consist of a research paper.
  • Quizzes: 30% Announced quizzes will be given often over the course of each semester. Each quiz will evaluate the comprehension of the material studied in class, in the workbook, and in the textbook. Unannounced quizzes will be given if the teacher feels that students are not prepared before coming to class.
  • Labs: 20% Lab grade will consist of mostly class work that is preparing the students for test/quizzes/projects. Lab work will include workbook exercises, small group conversations, listening and speaking activities, journals, etc.
  • Homework: 10% According to the district homework policy, homework is worth 10% of the students’ grade. Home includes, but is not limited to, assigned homework (in and out of class), warm-ups, and participation.


Preparation:  Students need to be mentally and physically prepared for class.  Bring materials (textbook, paper, pen or pencil, handouts, student agenda) and completed assignments to class daily.  Be alert and attentive.

Cheating or Plagiarism
Giving or receiving verbal or written assistance on homework, individual assignments, quizzes or tests, or using someone else’s ideas or phrasing either on purpose or through carelessness and representing the idea or phrasing as your own without properly crediting the author is unacceptable. All assignments done outside of the Spanish classroom are individual assignments unless the teacher states otherwise. No verbal or written assistance is to be given or received. If a student is caught cheating or plagiarizing, a zero (0) will be given on that assignment, quiz, or test, and notification will be sent to the principal and parents/guardians of the student.

Late/Make-up Work
Students are expected to attend class regularly and to arrive to class on time. If a student is absent, he should get the make-up work when he/she returns and complete it according to the JHS handbook policy.

If an assignment is turned in one day late, the student will be marked down 20% on the assignment. After the second day, the grade will be reduced to 50% until the end of a unit.  An assignment will not be accepted if it is turned in after the end of a unit.

Extra Credit
Extra assignments will be offered throughout the school year to provide all students the opportunity to earn extra points. Work is considered individual and should be completed outside of class and turn in on the given due date.

Extra Help
I am available for extra help during 1st hour Monday through Friday and during advisory. If these times do not work, we can schedule a time to meet before or after school.

****If you have questions or concerns, you can best reach me by email. I will check my email often and respond as quickly as possible (Email: [email protected]  

Classroom Expectations:

  • Be in your seat and prepared for class when the bell rings.
  • Remain in your seat until the bell rings and the teacher has dismissed you.
  • Have assignments ready at the beginning of the hour. Permission to retrieve forgotten homework will not be given.
  • Be respectful to all other students, the teacher, any substitutes, and their possessions, as well as school property.
  • Keep all food, gum, and candy out of the classroom (expect at the teacher’s discretion on special occasions). Drinks with a secure lid are permitted.
  • Keep all electronic devices, including cell phones, out of the classroom or put away. They are not to be seen or used in class without the teacher’s permission.
  • Cells phones and online translators are not to be used on assignments. Spanish-English dictionary are available for student use.
  • Follow all school rules listed in the handbook. Be RED!

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